CBW Conventions Bulletin

The CBW Conventions Bulletin, formerly The Chemical Weapons Convention Bulletin, was the quarterly journal of the Harvard Sussex Program. Eighty-six issues were edited jointly by Matthew Meselson and Julian Perry Robinson, with the HSP Advisory Board serving as its Editorial Committee, between 1988 and 2010. Since then special issues are produced. The Bulletin is a journal of record, offering its readers a systematic account of events in and around the CBW world during the previous three months; as listing of notable publications; a calendar of scheduled forthcoming events in the CBW world; and detailed reviews of the latest developments within the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in The Hague and reports on the activities concerning the Biological Weapons Convention in Geneva. The journal also offered its readers editorial comment on matters of the moment as well as authoritative invited comment and comments.

E-Issue 3 (1989)

Includes: Guest article by John Isaacs: The Bush Administration, The Senate and the Chemical Treaty Guest article by Peter Herby: The Paris Conference on Chemical Weapons News Chronology: September 1988 - June 1989


E-Issue 2 (1988)

Includes: Guest article by Kyle Olson: The Proposed Chemical Weapons Convention: An Industry Perspective News Chronology: June - September 1988 Review: World CW Armament Part I: The USA


E-Issue 1 (1988)

Includes: Editorial article by Charles Flowerree: The Chemical Weapons Convention News Chronology: October 1987 - June 1988


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