News and Views

HSP seeks to instil the traditions, practice and benefits of scholarship into the formation of public policy on issues involving biological and chemical weapons. Here is an illustrative listing of meetings we attend and speak at.

HSP Continues Work on EU CBRN COE Project 18

Dr James Revill and Alexander Ghionis rapporteur and present at the final workshop of the EU CRBN COE Project 18


The Harvard Sussex Program Workshop on the Seventh BWC Review Conference

The Harvard Sussex Program, in association with the UK’s Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO), hosted a workshop on ‘Deconstructing the Seventh Review Conference’.


James Revill attended a Royal Society Meeting on Neuroscience

James Revill attended a Royal Society roundtable on the issue of 'Neuroscience, Conflict, and Security'.


Caitríona McLeish attended an IUPAC Conference on S&T of relevance to the CWC

Caitríona McLeish attended an International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) Conference in Spiez, Switzerland, on the ‘Impact of Scientific Developments on the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC)'.


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