CBW Conventions Bulletin

The CBW Conventions Bulletin, formerly The Chemical Weapons Convention Bulletin, was the quarterly journal of the Harvard Sussex Program. Eighty-six issues were edited jointly by Matthew Meselson and Julian Perry Robinson, with the HSP Advisory Board serving as its Editorial Committee, between 1988 and 2010. Since then special issues are produced. The Bulletin is a journal of record, offering its readers a systematic account of events in and around the CBW world during the previous three months; as listing of notable publications; a calendar of scheduled forthcoming events in the CBW world; and detailed reviews of the latest developments within the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in The Hague and reports on the activities concerning the Biological Weapons Convention in Geneva. The journal also offered its readers editorial comment on matters of the moment as well as authoritative invited comment and comments.

E-Issue 63 (2004)

Includes: Invited Article by Lisa Tabassi: Impact of the CWC: Progressive Development of Customary International Law and Evolution of the Customary Norm Against Chemical Weapons Progress in The Hague: 45th Quarterly Review News Chronology: November 2003 - January 2004 Historical Note no 4, by John Hart: Information about the CBW Weapons Programmes of the USSR


E-Issue 62 (2003)

Includes: Invited Article by Nicholas Sims: A proposal for putting the 26 March 2005 anniversary to best use for the BWC Progress in The Hague: 44th Quarterly Review Report from Geneva News Chronology: August - October 2003


E-Issue 61 (2003)

Includes: Editorial: "Non-Lethal" Weapons, the CWC and the BWC Progress in The Hague: 43rd Quarterly Review Report from Geneva: The Biological Weapons Convention New Process News Chronology: May - July 2003 A Tribute to David Kelly


E-Issue 60 (2003)

Includes: Invited article by Graham Pearson: Security and Oversight of Pathogenic Microorganisms and Toxins Progress in The Hague: 42nd Quarterly Review News Chronology: February - April 2003


E-Issue 59 (2003)

Includes: Invited article by Ian Kenyon: Chrysalis - How the CWC Produced the OPCW: The work of the OPCW Preparatory Commission. Progress in The Hague: 41st Quarterly Review News Chronology: November 2002 - January 2003


E-Issue 58 (2002)

Includes: Editorial: "Law Enforcement" and the CWC Invited article by Mark Wheelis and Malcolm Dando: On The Brink: Biodefence, Biotechnology and the Future of Weapons Control Progress in The Hague: 40th Quarterly Review Report from Geneva: 18th Review News Chronology: August - October 2002


E-Issue 57 (2002)

Includes: Editorial: Preventing the Hostile Use of Biotechnology: The Way Forward Now Invited article by Graham S Pearson: Further Chemical Control Regimes: Anti-Doping Progress in The Hague: 39th Quarterly Review News Chronology: May - July 2002


E-Issue 56 (2002)

Includes: Invited article by Ian Kenyon: The Chemical Weapons Convention and the OPCW: The Challenges of the 21st Century Invited article by Nicholas Sims: Route-Maps to the OPBW: Using the Resumed BWC Fifth Review Conference Progress in The Hague: 38th Quarterly Review News Chronology: February - April 2002


E-Issue 55 (2002)

Includes: Invited article by Julian Perry Robinson: What Should be the Scope of the CWC? A Workshop Report Progress in The Hague: 37th Quarterly Review News Chronology: November 2001 - January 2002


E-Issue 54 (2001)

Includes: Editorial: International Criminal Law and Sanctions to Reinforce the BWC Progress in The Hague: 36th Quarterly Review Report from Geneva: 17th Quarterly Review Proceedings in South African: 7th Quarterly Review News Chronology: August - October 2001


E-Issue 53 (2001)

Includes: Editorial: Strengthening the Biological Weapons Convention Invited article by Nicholas Sims: Nurturing the BWC: Agenda for the Fifth Review Conference and Beyond Invited article by Graham Pearson: The US Rejection of the Protocol at the Eleventh Hour Damages International Security against Biological Weapons Progress in The Hague: 35th Quarterly Review Report from Geneva: 16th Quarterly Review Proceedings in Sourth Africa: 6th Quarterly Review News Chronology: May - July 2001


E-Issue 52 (2001)

Includes: Invited article by Barbara Rosenberg: US Policy and the BWC Protocol Progress in The Hague: 34th Quarterly Review Progress in Geneva: 15th Quarterly Review Proceedings in South Africa: 5th Quarterly Review News Chronology: February - April 2001


E-Issue 51 (2001)

Includes: Editorial: Washington and the BWC Protocol Negotiations Invited article by Graham Pearson: Further Chemical Control Regimes: Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Progress in The Hague: 33rd Quarterly Review Progress in Geneva: 15th Quarterly Review Proceedings in South Africa: 4th Quarterly Review News Chronology: November 2000 - January 2001


E-Issue 50 (2000)

Includes: Editorial: The CWC and the BWC: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow Invited article by Tom Inch: The Chemical Weapons Convention: A Viewpoint from the Chairman of the Advisory Committee to the UK National Authority Invited article by Walter Krutzsch: Article VI of the Chemical Weapons Convention: Past, Present and Future. Progress in The Hague: 32nd Quarterly Review Progress in Geneva: 13th Quarterly Review Proceedings in South Africa: 3rd Quarterly Review News Chronology: August - October 2000


E-Issue 49 (2000)

Includes: Invited article by Graham Pearson: The CWC General Purpose Criterion: How to Implement? Progress in The Hague: 31st Quarterly Review Progress in Geneva: 12th Quarterly Review Proceedings in South Africa: 2nd Quarterly Review News Chronology: May - July 2000


E-Issue 48 (2000)

Includes: Invited article by Ian Kenyon: Chemical Weapons in the Twentieth Century: Their Use and Their Control Invited article by Matthew Meselson: Averting the Hostile Exploitation of Biotechnology Invited article by Lawrence Scheinman: Regimes, Defence and Deterrence Progress in The Hague: 30th Quarterly Review Progress in Geneva: 11th Quarterly Review Proceedings in South Africa: 1st Quarterly Review


E-Issue 47 (2000)

Includes: Invited article by Robert J Mathews: Approaching an "End-Game" in the Negotation of the BWC Protocol: Lessons from the Chemical Weapons Convention Progress in The Hague: 29th Quarterly Review Progress in Geneva: 10th Quarterly Review News Chronology: November 1999 - January 2000


E-Issue 46 (1999)

Includes: Invited article by Tibor Tóth: Time to Wrap Up New US Legislation on the BWC Progress in Geneva: 9th Quarterly Review Progress in The Hague: 28th Quarterly Review News Chronology: August - October 1999


E-Issue 45 (1999)

Includes: Invited article by Will Carpenter: The First Year of the OPCW Scientific Advisory Board Obituary: A J J Ooms Progress in The Hague: 27th Quarterly Review Progress in Geneva: 8th Quarterly Review News Chronology: May - July 1999


E-Issue 44 (1999)

Includes: Invited article by Paul F Walker: Implementing the Chemical Weapons Convention: Technical and Political Challenges in the US and Russia Invited article by Daniel Feakes: The European Union's Role in CBW Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Progress in The Hague: 26th Quarterly Review Progress in Geneva: 7th Quarterly Review News Chronology: February - May 1999


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