A dataset of AI-related statements made at CWC meetings
This dataset is being compiled by Dr Alexander Ghionis as part of a wider effort towards understanding topics under discussion in CBW forums. The dataset extracts statements made in sessions and meetings of the policy making organs of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) that refer or allude to Artificial Intelligence. Each statement is categorised by the meeting at which it was made, the actor it was made by, and the agenda item under which it was made.
The full dataset can be found here.
The dataset is a work in progress. It is important to note that not all statements are made available on the OPCW website. A number are also not made available in English. The dataset therefore is partial and representative, rather than conclusive. The dataset is being updated as documents become available. In the coming months we aim to expand the dataset to include references made within the Biological Weapons Convention.